上海英帥機(jī)電代理的富蘭克林 SPIRALIFT SC
Spiralift®SCGrinds, Washes and Dewaters
The SpIrALIFT SC utilizes a rugged TASKMASTer®Grinder to reduce solids to a small size, exposing multiple surfaces. The ground solids are intensively washed to remove contaminants and organics. The screenings are then compacted and conveyed by the unit’s powerful screw press while organics are returned to the flow. The SpIrALIFT SC is provided with a stainless steel housing and pLC based control system. Available models include SC8520 (5hp+3hp) and SC1620 (10hp+3hp) which are complete with grinders, the SC8500 and SC1600 (less grinders) and other special models. All units are provided with a S270-SC control system
system. This unit can be easily placed in tight plant locations and quickly goes to work enhancing the screenings output. The processed solids are discharged as ground, uniform particles in a compacted plug, ideally conditioned for disposal.
The SpIrALIFT SC utilizes a rugged TASKMASTer®Grinder to reduce solids to a small size, exposing multiple surfaces. The ground solids are intensively washed to remove contaminants and organics. The screenings are then compacted and conveyed by the unit’s powerful screw press while organics are returned to the flow. The SpIrALIFT SC is provided with a stainless steel housing and pLC based control system. Available models include SC8520 (5hp+3hp) and SC1620 (10hp+3hp) which are complete with grinders, the SC8500 and SC1600 (less grinders) and other special models. All units are provided with a S270-SC control system.